Love ur Mum


   Sixteen years of my life is what I owe to my mother. She is a friend, an ally, a good company and she is a queen. From the start, she has always been there, watching, supporting, guiding me throughout my journey in discovering a life she has provided me. Per say, I am just a guest of a life she made for me, a guest, not the owner, yet. She is a firm believer that your future is in your hands, you are a writer of your own book. So while I still am in a mess we call, teenage years, I still sought for help or assistance whenever I can. Sixteen years of my life is what I owe my mother, sixteen and more.

   It is no wonder that mothers in general are the epitome of greatness. They are to be admired, to be loved, and Mother’s Day is a celebration which highlights the beauty of being a mother. Mother’s Day can also be an excuse to show your love to your mother, that because you are too shy to showcase it on a regular day. An excuse to give her flowers that you wanted to badly give, or chocolates that could not match her sweetness as she stayed by your side no matter what. An excuse to give her the letter or card you put your heart and thought into, written are the words expressing your love towards her, or how grateful you are to have her as your mother who took care of you and watched you be who you are. Mother’s Day is a day where we give our mothers, the person who is willing to sacrifice anything for us, the love that we are too bashful to show.

   A mother is not always the one who gave birth to you, keep that in mind. Instead, a mother is a person who you look up to, a person who love you no matter what. A mother could be the oldest sister who takes care of you, a relative who had watched you grow, a teacher whom you rely on, or the lady next door who is always there to help you. A mother can be anyone as long as it is in their nature to love you, take care of you and will do anything to give you the best life.

   We are lucky to have someone we call ‘mum’, ‘mama’, mother. I am lucky to still have my mother by my side. Even though we have our own quarrels, I still love her unconditionally. She’s one of the reason why I keep on thriving and moving forward in life regardless of the trials that comes along my way. I know that just like everyone else, my mother is getting older as the years go by. Just how fast the time flies by, the last that I can remember, I am still a twelve year old, cradled in my mother’s frail arms as she reassures me that things will be alright. Things will be alright she said, and I am still holding onto that because I know that she never lies. To my mother, you are the best and I love you.

  And to anyone who is reading, give your mother a hug and tell her how you love her. Love your mother.


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