The New Normal Vigan City Fiesta

  The Vigan City Fiesta is held every January 25 as a celebration for the conversion of the city’s patron saint, St. Paul. The Metropolitan Cathedral is dedicated to St. Paul, located just beside Vigan City’s Plaza. The Fiesta usually lasts for several days, which then will include within the period the celebration of the anniversary of the cityhood of Vigan on the 27th. During the City Fiesta, locals and tourists enjoy various activities prepared by the local government like cultural shows, parades and street dancing that are being held. There are also food fairs, arts and crafts exhibit. But given the circumstances we are in, with the pandemic still going, this year’s Vigan City Fiesta was celebrated differently.

     As a part of the safety protocols implemented by the authorities, mass gatherings are prohibited which means that the usual activities that are being held during the city fiesta have been changed in accordance to our new normal. In order to ensure the safety and well-being of the public, the activities were limited. On the 22nd of January, the Vigan Longganisa Cookfest was held at Mira Hills Fil-Spanish Friendship Park, where the participants along with the judges followed the physical distancing as well as the wearing of facemasks and face shield. On the 25th a thanksgiving mass was held at the Metropolitan Cathedral, headed by Msgr. Gary Noel S. Formoso.

    During this hard times, our cooperation is much needed that is why we must learn how to adapt the ‘new normal’. Activities like fiestas will change because of the safety protocols but at the end of the day, it is still for our safety. The Vigan City Fiesta celebration for this year is much different than what we are accustomed to because of the pandemic. The least we could do is hope that things will turn out alright and we’ll be back to our own normal.

Images retrieved at Vigan City's official facebook page, @Vigan City PH. 


  1. What a nice article to read, Charisma. I salute you for making this article, I definitely agree on what you have said. Our cooperation is indeed needed and we must learn how to adapt the new normal. Looking for more fascinating articles like this.

  2. I like your content Charisma! You are doing great!

  3. We share the same sentiments Charisma! Although, I disagree that hoping is the least that we could do. Thank you for making this extravagant article!


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