COVID-19 Vaccine: An Overview


   The COVID-19 is an invisible virus to the naked eye. So minute yet it has single-handedly disrupted economies, healthcare and the educational system. It is an infectious disease caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-Cov-2) virus strain, and unlike other infectious disease, the death toll for COVID-19 I rising. The virus originated in Wuhan, China where the first human case of COVID-19 were first reported in December 2019 and ever since then the virus has spread worldwide resulting to the ongoing pandemic we are experiencing. The world leaders immediately took drastic measures in order to control the fast spread if the virus, implementing health and safety protocols towards their people. Although strictly adhering to the authorities’ health protocols, such as socially and physically distancing ourselves from others, staying within the safety of our homes, and wearing facemasks and face shields will help prevent the virus from spreading and reducing the number of cases, it is also recommended to get vaccinated with one of the many clinically tested vaccines currently in use in the hopes of eliminating the virus altogether.

   There is no known cure for the infectious virus, though there are several treatments that may help t slow down the virus’ ability to completely infect our immune system, and several vaccines are currently in use. As a result of creating as immune response to the SARS-Cov-2 virus, the COVID-19 vaccines are manufactured and tested in order to provide defence against the disease. The improvement of our immunity by vaccination will reduce the risk of being infected and suffering the consequences. If you are exposed to the virus, this immunity will aid you in fighting it. Being vaccinated can also protect others around you, and if you are safe from being contaminated, you are less likely to infect anyone. While scientists are unable to decide if vaccinations offer long-term safety, it is guaranteed that those who are vaccinated will be protected.

   Vaccines vary in structure and how they stimulate the immune system to produce antibodies. As a result of the body adapting and building safety, it is estimated that the majority who are vaccinated will experience potential side effects. Pressure, redness and swelling on the arm where the shot was given, fatigue, headaches, chills, muscle pain, and nausea are all potential side effects. These are natural body reactions to the vaccine, but if they become more serious, you should seek medical advice. Nonetheless, adverse effects are unavoidable, and the vaccine was developed to help reduce the number of case. The advantage of virus defense outweighs the chance of mild to moderate side effects that are not life-threatening.

   About 2.76 million deaths have been recorded worldwide as a result of the virus, with over 13 thousand deaths in our own country. Given that the virus has been around long enough for people to understand and follow the protocols, it is troubling that the number of deaths has continued to rise over the last year. The prospect of stabilizing and stopping the spread of the deadly virus is within our grasp, thanks to the use of the vaccines. Through our small acts of heroism, cooperation and selfless care and love, we will get through this.

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