Awareness over Ignorance


   The Philippines is a country prone to many natural disasters. Almost every year we face a disaster that leaves many of our countrymen devastated like the consecutive typhoons that managed to leave a huge destruction on its path. It always ends up to the resiliency of the Filipinos. But as the years went by, many pointed out that our resiliency should not always be glorified and that people should be taking accountability with the things that are happening.

   Earthquakes is one of the disasters that yearly happen in our country aside from typhoons. Be it naturally or because of our doings. Recently a magnitude 6.1 earthquake occurred in Mindanao followed by shallow earthquakes on the same area. The strongest earthquake recorded was the MORO GULF earthquake in 1976 with a 7.9 magnitude and almost 3,000 casualties.

   Last September, the National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill was conducted. This program is conducted yearly to help prepare our fellow Filipino on what to do and what not to do when an earthquake occurs without any warning. According to studies conducted by the PHILVOLCS almost 20 earthquakes are recorded a day and 100 to 500 a year and usually they are very destructive.

    It is important that we are aware of the simplest things we can do to save ourselves in times like this. Instead of being ignorant and putting other people’s lives at risk. The program helps us to be attentive and prepared when an actual earthquake does happen, whether you are in the comfort of your home, at school or in your workplace, we should be able to apply the basics which are the duck, cover and hold and to always stay calm. Without knowing, maybe you have managed to help save someone’s life by just applying what you have learned.

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  1. Hi Charisma! Your blog is very well-written. I strongly agree with your opinion, staying aware and knowing what to do during natural disasters is very important.


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