A Letter To The President
Dear Mr. President,
I am Charisma, a
high school student here in Vigan City, Province of Ilocos Sur. I am 15, my
birthday was on May, on the 21st. How are you? You are almost on
your last term as the president of the Philippines, our beloved country and I
can’t really tell if I am satisfied or not satisfied with the way you ran our
country based on the past years. Sure, everyone have made good and bad
decisions but it all weighs done on which is heavier, right?
I want to discuss to you some few topics that made me question whether
you are a good president or not.
First, the latest topic, the COVID-19. Everyone is suffering, and we are
still adjusting on how to live in a new normal style. Many Filipinos got out of
their job because of the new safety protocols and they are now trying their
best to stand back up, but it is hard. Our country is still struggling to live
through the pandemic. We are labelled as a third world country for a reason and
I don’t want to degrade the place I live in but we did not handle this pandemic
well and it shows. Right? What will happen next, Mr. president?
Second is about the ongoing corruption in our country. One of your
promises when you were campaigning for the presidency, was to end the corruption
in our country. I applaud for arresting some corrupt politicians that have been
bathing on the money that the citizens deserve to have. But that’s not even
half of them. It is impossible for corruption to end in our country in just a
short period of time, but corruption has been in our country for way too long.
We won’t experience a free and developed country if the leaders we deemed to
give a change are actually the reason why progress is not here.
Lastly, I want to tell you that as much as I want to have peace and
harmony in our country, violence is not the solution. You are known as a though
leader, and I give you that because you are. But Mr. President, this tough act
should not go as far as being ignorant on the pleas of your people. We want our
basic human rights to be acknowledged and respected, not be ignored and
ridiculed. We want you to maybe listen to what we want because we can help each
other contribute on changing our country for the better.
Through the perspective of a young Filipino citizen, our country will
maybe get better when everyone will open their eyes that change will not really
come just because someone said it but if someone actually did something to make
change happen.
Thank you for your time Mr. President. Until Next time.
All the Best,
Charisma Grace Barrion
Image retrieved at https://www.google.com/search?q=duterte&rlz=1C1CHBF_enPH731PH731&sxsrf=ALeKk00i6b4uZt47EqpQPfvodT0tQVNEfA:1603193680640&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjLvtzuicPsAhWNwJQKHVECBvMQ_AUoAXoECAUQAw&cshid=1603193725256214&biw=1366&bih=625#imgrc=otzwMw0Lo4r9bM
Such great words written straightforwardly for the truth,resonating an iron will that could shake the land to its feet when its pleas would be heard. Indeed I agree with such wise words that would be the catalyst towards change:))
ReplyDeleteLet us be thankful to our president because if he isn't the one seated on that position what will happen to out country?. That's why he is the best president in our generation
ReplyDeleteI admire on how you courageously pointed his major unpleasant doings. Continue to inspire the youth by telling the truth!
ReplyDeleteHello Charisma! I agree that our country will truly and only get better if everyone opens their eyes to reality. Such a remarkable composition regarding the President. I hope to read more from you!
ReplyDeleteHi charisma, thank you for giving me a glimpse of hope because mostly of the blogs that I read, its all about compliments, appreciation, admiration to the president, I mean.... This is now the perfect time to let your ideas and thoughts out. I love your blog because it's so sincere.... Im astonished by your work!!
ReplyDeleteGoodjob and I hope our perspective on the president will change soon... And I wish he will change in a positive way.
The people never gave The President a chance to lead properly. He is one of the best in my opinion but it is so sad to see him not supported by the people. A man who wants to cleanse our country and make the country a better place is being bashed and criticized by the same people he wants to protect. I hope Filipinos change and give our next leader a chance